One Man Rigging Aid Double Seater
   1.198,- € / pcs 
(incl. 20% VAT)  

The IMI-One Man Rigging Aid was successfully tested at the beginning of 2008, until now more than 30 pieces were delivered to the customers from whole Europe. It is high rated especially for its simple and light design, simple use and also interesting look.

Technical specifications:

Wing holder: Glass reinforced plastics with red gelcoat, covered with 10mm black adhesive Neoprene. 4 main bolt locations for different positions of center of gravity. Clever universal shape both for thick and thin airfoils. Removable arm adjustable in two axis with spring-knobs.

Body: aluminium profiles, telescopic design, 500N gas spring for fast, easy and stepless height adjustment, 360mm run.

Axle and wheels: removable axle, sliding to sides (15cm each side), with blocking screw. Tube tyre wheels 260mm diameter, removable.

Finish: fibreglass parts polyester gelcoat, steel parts galvanized, aluminium parts anodized - no black hands, top finish

Dimensions: folded only 95x50x20cm, see the pictures, weight ca. 16kg


  • DN: Arcus, ASG 32, Twin Shark
  • D: Taurus 503 (Pipistrel), Ka-6, G-102 Astir cs / cs77 / standard, DG-1000/1001, DG-500  /22m, Duo Discus (X, XL), Janus (b, C), SZD-54-2 Perkoz , Apis 15M, Apis 2, Apis BEE

Short movie of the use of the One Man Rigging Aid: [WMV] [Manuale]

(Photos are of the prototype without finish on metal parts, glider Discus CS.)

 D - Duo, DG
 DN 520 Nm - Arcus
1198 / pcs
(incl. 20% VAT) 
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