Towing Bar - Heavy Gliders
   300,- € / pcs 
(incl. 20% VAT)  

The tow bar allows you to tow the glider by a car equipped with the ISO-50 ball towing connection. We have an elegant solution for both light and heavy gliders. As heavy gliders we consider: gliders with water ballast with MTOW over 525kg, two seaters, open class, self launching powered gliders.

The system intended for heavy gliders doesn’t bear the tail of the glider, it only pulls/pushes and steers the direction, the glider rides on the tail dolly. The towing bar connects to the tail dolly by a strong steel tube hinge with closing lock. To mount/dismount the towing bar, simply raise it up to the angle of 45° and pull out from the tail dolly hinge.

The towing bar is telescopic and can be shortened for transport very quickly and easily. Just push the lock button and fold together. The towing bar is mainly made of anodised aluminium, the strained parts are made of zinc-galvanised steel. The wing dolly has to be modified before use - simply screw a metal sheet with hinge tube between the dolly body and dolly wheel. This part is, of course, shipped with the bar and is included in the price.

  • Length: 180cm

Delivery contents:

  • Tow bar
  • Mounting plate
  • Lifting adaptor (optional)

The optional IMI lifting adaptor is available in two lengths:

  • The lifting adaptor "Standard" fits all 200x50 wheels with or without suspension and 225x65 wheels without suspension.
  • The lifting adaptor "Long" is for the large 225x65 wheel with suspension and is 7cm higher. (Of course, the necessary leverage is higher, so it should only be used for this wheel).

 no accessories
 Lifting adaptor Long (+52,00 €)
 Lifting adaptor Standard (+52,00 €)
300 / pcs
(incl. 20% VAT) 
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