Seal and bond remover
   16,- € / pcs 
(incl. 20% VAT)  

Seal and Bond Remover is a technical cleaner for the fast and efficient removal of many types of glue.

The product softens most glues and sealants making them easier to remove.

Seal and Bond Remover is suitable for all types of metal and most plastics. In addition, it is also safe to use on just about all modern types of lacquer. This means it is extremely well suited to remove stickers, emblems, protection strips and glue residues. And the remains of glue and sealant left behind after the removal of communication equipment, glasses holders and so on, can be perfectly removed without damaging the surface.

Before applying new stickers, slogans or emblems, use Seal and Bond Remover to make the surface perfectly free of grease and silicones.

Due to its good solvent power, Seal and Bond Remover is also the ideal solution for removing tar spots, and chewing gum from clothing, for example.

Seal and Bond Remover evaporates quickly, leaving no residues behind.

Due to its aerosol packaging, Seal and Bond Remover is very user-friendly and easy to use. The special unbreakable nozzle and tube supplied with the product, make it very easy to apply in places which are difficult to access. Emblems and protection strips can be removed very effectively by spraying Seal and Bond Remover behind the part and slowly removing it.

Easy to apply

  • Ideal for the removal of glue, sealant and chewing gum residues.
  • Makes it considerably easier to cut out glued windscreens.
  • Product does not affect lacquers and most plastics.
  • Evaporates quickly and without leaving residues.
  • Volume: 500 ml


  • Dissolvent mixture: aliphatic, flavoury and oxidizing hydrocarbons.
  • Density 762 Kg/m³
  • Liquid consistence (spray ready aerosol)
  • Viskosity approx. 2 mPa.s
  • Flash point approx. +8 °C
  • No fume remains, the product gets dry residue free.
  • Temperature +10 °C to +40 °C
  • Underlayer: common underlayers. If needed make a test.
  • Aplication: Shake the spray tin properly before use. Put on clean and dry cloth and apply to surface. Dry polish by a clean piece.
  • Storage life 2 years unopened
  • Storage conditions keep cool and dry
  • Batch code type A

16 / pcs
(incl. 20% VAT) 
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