SOTECC Haubenblitzer
   399,- € / pcs 
(incl. 20% VAT)  

With its five red LEDs, the SOTECC canopy strobe is the ideal combination of visibility and efficiency - because the color red means danger and is quickly perceived by the human eye. Moreover, it is a contrast to the mostly white gliders. During our flight tests, it quickly became clear that we would therefore equip the canopy flasher with red CREE® LEDs as standard. This ensures good visibility even on days with strong sunlight.

  • Improved visibility thanks to five powerful red CREE® LEDs
  • Collision warning also against aircraft without FLARM®.
  • No interference with emergency canopy drop
  • Kit adapted to the aircraft type
  • Dimensions: 70x20x60mm
  • Power consumption: 100 mA
  • Weight: approx. 90g

Protection also against aircraft without collision warning, because not every aircraft is equipped with a collision warning device, transponder or similar. The power-saving normal operation combines visibility and low power consumption. And all this fully automatically.

Option connectBOX

Glider pilots are individualists, therefore the canopy flasher can be configured individually with the connectBOX option. With the then included "SOTECC-Configurator", the flashing frequency, the alarm threshold and the visibility of the function LED can be set quickly and easily according to preference.* For example, other settings are required by clubs with school operations than by cross-country pilots.

When the aircraft is stationary on the ground, the flasher remains switched off. As soon as the aircraft starts moving, this is detected and the flasher automatically starts flashing with a power-saving flash frequency. The pilot therefore does not have to operate the switch for control in nominal mode.

If an imminent collision is detected, the flash frequency of the canopy flasher changes. After landing, the canopy strobe automatically goes into standby mode and stops flashing.

  • Reduction of pilot workload
  • Less potential for error due to automatic mode
  • Collision warning also against aircraft without FLARM®.
  • Power-saving normal operation

In the modern glider cockpit there are now countless buttons, switches and displays. Our SOTECC canopy flasher therefore functions fully automatically in conjunction with connectBOX. The philosophy behind it is: support instead of additional effort.

When stationary on the ground, the speed camera remains switched off. As soon as the aircraft starts moving, this is detected and the flasher automatically starts flashing at a power-saving flash frequency. The pilot therefore does not have to operate the switch for control in nominal mode.

ULs, paragliders and many other aircraft completely without anti-collision systems like FLARM® participate in air traffic. Our philosophy is against this: The canopy flasher flashes as soon as in the air ALWAYS.

In addition, FLARM® data is evaluated and, in the event of an imminent collision, the system switches to alarm mode (change in flash frequency and longer and thus more easily perceivable warning flashes).

    Option Nextel

    The hood blizer can also be supplied with Nextel painted in gray as an option.

      Option Haubenkontakt

      In the case of hinged hoods, it is elementarily important that in the event of an emergency ejection, this is not blocked by cables or other connections. For forward-folding hoods, an easily detachable connector is supplied as standard.

      For side flipping canopies, SOTECC has invested a lot of time in the development of a canopy contact that combines functionality, safety with an uncomplicated installation. The package includes a template and easy to understand installation instructions with many pictures.

      No tangled cables in canopies due to the newly developed canopy contact * This ensures a safe canopy emergency release and provides the power supply. With its inconspicuous black design, the contact, like the canopy flasher, fits in with the modern glider cockpit.

      The hood seizer does not reflect in the hood and does not restrict the field of vision to the front!

       matt black
       Nextel grey (+39,00 €)
       without connectBOX (with 12V connection cable)
       with connectBOX (+199,00 €)
      Typ of aircraft
       AMS Bee
       AS 33
       ASG 29
       ASG 32
       ASH 25
       ASH 26
       ASH 31
       ASK 21
       ASK 23
       ASW 19
       ASW 20
       ASW 22
       ASW 24
       ASW 27
       ASW 28
       DG 101/200/300/400/600/800
       Diana 2
       Diana 3
       EB 28 (with canopy connector)
       EB 29
       EB 29 D/DR
       Glasflugel 304 / HPH 304
       Glasflugel Mosquito
       HPH 304c
       HPH 304cz
       HpH Shark
       Jantar Std. / Std. 2
       Jantar Std. 3
       Lak 17/19
       LS1f, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10
       Nimbus 2/3/4
       Std. Cirrus
       SZD 41
       SZD 55
       Ventus 3 Performance
       Arcus (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Arcus, Duo Discus XL (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       ASH 25 EB 28 (+99,00 €)
       Astir CS/Jeans/77 (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       DG 1000 (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       DG 500/505 (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Discus 2a (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Discus 2b/c (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Discus a/b (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Duo Discus (fixed panel + connector) (+99,00 €)
       Duo Discus (X) (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       HpH Twinshark (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Marianne (+99,00 €)
       Mini Nimbus (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Nimbus 3 (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Nimbus 4D (fixed panel + connector) (+99,00 €)
       Pik 20 (+99,00 €)
       Pik 20 (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Pipstrel Taurus (+99,00 €)
       Puchacz (+99,00 €)
       Stemme S10 (+99,00 €)
       Stemme S12 (+99,00 €)
       SZD Junior (+99,00 €)
       Twin Astir I/II/II (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Ventus 2a (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Ventus 2b/c (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Ventus 3 Sport (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
       Ventus a/b/c (with canopy connector) (+99,00 €)
      399 / pcs
      (incl. 20% VAT) 
      Deutsch Englisch Czech
      0 items
      For shipping to Österreich
      Prices incl. 20% VAT (Tax Rates)
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