LX SxHAWK - HAWK vario stand-alone
   2.268,- € / pcs 
(incl. 20% VAT)  


The first stand-alone HAWK variometer is now available in 57mm and 80mm, featuring an IGC-certified flight recorder, Bluetooth connectivity and a backup battery.

HAWK the Gamechanger

  • WIND    Live wind
  • VARIO   No Thermal gusts
  • AHRS    Artificial horizon

Real time wind

The HAWK platform applies an “extended Kalman filter” (EKF) algorithm which jointly estimates all three dimensions of the air mass movement – INSTANTANEOUSLY

Dual needle instrument

The innovative dual-instrument concept is designed for optimal performance: the blue needle indicates the potential climb rate, while the red needle reflects the glider’s actual climb rate. A skilled pilot can align the red needle with the blue to maximize thermal efficiency and performance.

AoA – Angle of Attack

Stall warnings powered by precise Angle of Attack (AoA) computation.

2 Rotary Buttons | 3 Push Buttons | SD Card

Used for simplified handling during flight or ground operations. SD card for exchanging data (SW update, Airspace files, Waypoint files, Flight downloads).

Modern, Fully-Digital Vario | Standard size

The vario indication needle is entirely digital on a extremely bright anti-glare display. It fits into a standard, 57 or 80mm size hole in the instrument panel.


All S-series variometers have a very high 60 Hz frame rate!

Built-in Bluetooth, GPS, IGC Flight Recorder

The SxHAWK series comes with built-in GPS and Bluetooth modules. Integrated Bluetooth is for wireless connectivity with your Smartphone or Oudie. The high-level, Integrated, IGC approved flight recorder can also detect JET and electro engines if a MOP module is present.

PDA port | Flarm port

PDAs or Smartphones can be connected to the system via internal Bluetooth or directly plugged to the PDA port. Flarm/PowerFlarm can be connected to a Flarm port.

SxHAWK Philosophy

HAWK vario | TEK vario | Electronic compensated vario

The HAWK Vario is the perfect choice for visualizing potential climb rates, seamlessly combining with either TEK Vario or Electronic Compensation.

AHRS | Inertial Platform

3 pneumatic sensors which provide Electronic or TE compensation and a built-in inertial platform with +-8g accelerometer and 3 gyroscopes for fast vario measurements and accurate wind calculations. The AHRS software enables a graphical artificial horizon page.


This mode can display all types of FLARM, ADS-B and PCAS objects if external devices are connected.

FLARM Visual Radar With Audible Warnings

The Radar shows all necessary data. The target’s present position, altitude and vertical speed are displayed on the map. For each new alert a pop-up appears automatically when a potential collision occurs. The system will also trigger a sound and/or voice warning.

Different Needles

Backup Battery (3h) | SD Card | GPS Module | Bluetooth

SD card socket, 56 channel GPS module, backup battery sufficient for up to 3hrs, Bluetooth compatible with iOS and Android.

Layout presets

Black Black? Black White? White Black? White White?

Custom Navbox Settings

Do you prefer a clean display with only one navbox or do you wish to see more flight parameters? It’s very easy to set up 1, 2, 3 or 4 rows of navboxes. Pilot can customize navboxes, which can be selected from a list of 40 parameters.

Thermal Mode

The Thermal Assistant mode displays your location within the thermal and the thermal strengths graphically.

G-Load | Acrobatic – follow the needle

Built-in inertial platform with +-8g accelerometer. Device is showing current g-load in navbox/needle and it’s min-max values in bar. Last flight min/max load navboxes are persistent till next flight. Very useful information for acrobatic flights!


NON-Linear scale will help you with precise showing on weak thermals and with strong thermal you will get wider needle range showing value beyond standard range.



Visual and audible warnings for Flarm objects and Angle of Attack during flight.

Flap Indicator

The variometer in combination with a flap sensor shows current and required flap setting.

 80mm (+120,00 €)
2268 / pcs
(incl. 20% VAT) 
Deutsch Englisch Czech
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